Sponsorship Level

Sponsorship LevelSponsorship Benefits
Platinum Sponsor
(Cash donation > = $5,000)
Company name, logo and on the front of Tom Matsumoto PTA web page.
Company logo on programs handed out by PTA at all school wide event.
Gold Sponsor
(Cash donation, goods, or services valued at $2,500 – $4,999)
Company name, logo and on the front of Tom Matsumoto PTA web page.
Company logo on programs handed out by PTA at all school wide event.
Silver Sponsor
(Cash donation, goods, or services valued at $1,500 – $2,499)
Company name, logo and on the front of Tom Matsumoto PTA web page.
Bronze Sponsor
(Cash donation, goods, or services valued at $500 – $1,499)
Company name, logo and on the front of Tom Matsumoto PTA web page.
Friends of Matsumoto
(Cash donation, goods, or services valued at $250 – $499)
Company name, logo and on the front of Tom Matsumoto PTA web page.
Event only Sponsor
(Cash donation, goods, or services valued at $50 and up)
Company name and logo on event flyers passed out by PTA.